Visit us at EuMW2023 (Sep.17 to 22), Berlin,Germany
Withwave will be exhibiting in booth #559B at European Microwave Week 2023 in Berlin, Germany from 17-22 on Sep 2023.
We welcome the opportunities to demonstrate our new products and discuss our technology roadmap together with our customers and partners in Microwave and High Speed Applications.
- Microwave Connectors & Adapters (145 GHz)
- Microwave Cable Assemblies (145 GHz)
- High Speed B2B Connectors (112 Gbps)
- High Speed Cable Assemblies (110 GHz)
- Test Probes & Absorbers (40 GHz)
- Calibration Kits & E-Cal. Modules (26.5 GHz)
- RF Switch Modules & Horn Antennas (44 GHz)
- mmWave Chip & Component (67 GHz)
Please stop by our booth and we are looking forward to meeting you.